A new study found that using your voice all day while working in
a stressful telemarketing job will lead to more
frequent sick days (due to voice ailments). Chalk another one up to the “well,
duh” category. The recommended solutions: Use warm-up vocal exercises Limit
background noise Encourage staff to drink plenty of water .
Have you ever talked to someone who’s rate of speech was so fast you found
yourself struggling to understand him? Have you ever wondered if the person you
were talking to was unintelligent because he spoke so slowly? Were you annoyed?
Did you find yourself hoping the conversation would end soon?
You have heard the expression, “it isn’t what you said, it’s how you said
it.” In telemarketing, how you deliver your script is one of the few things
that you control. If you want to succeed, then you must make the best of those
things that you control.
EVERY NO IS A STEP CLOSER TO A YES !That's why you have to keep a energy level under control. can not afford to get desencorage after a no , because
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